Light and compact, the Squizz is the birth stroller par excellence. The happy medium between a large, robust stroller, complete for parents but comfortable for babies , and a compact, light (6.9kg) and practical stroller that can be stored anywhere, even in the cabin. It can be used from birth and up to 22kg or 25kg with all-terrain wheels.
Features and Benefits:
From birth and up to 22kg or 25kg with all-terrain wheels
Stroller weight: 6.9kg
Changeable Canopy, Zipper-type
One-handed folding system
Magnetic 5-point harness
Large basket accessible at the front and rear
Regulating window
Carry handle or Luggage T-Bar to pull it like a suitcase
Numerous accessories : carrycot, large wheels, hooks, raincover, mosquito net, console
Removable handle or bumper bar
Sealed ball bearing
Front and rear wheel suspensions
Reclining backrest in birth position
Reduced harness passage for better support of newborns
This product is not suitable for jogging or rollerblading